Earlier, my village lane,
Accompanied by the gentle breeze,
Was the haven,
For the tired traders and tillers
To resume their chores.
Earlier, the lush green field,
Bordered by dahlia blooms,
Was the seat
For the crying, lone lads
To attain stamina, smile for play.
The shades of sal-trees,
Dancing with the chirping mynas,
Provided shelter
For the overburdened parents
To barter their traumas for new errands.
But now the lane,
The green field and the sal-trees
Brood for sheltering
The honest statesmen, administrators
To adopt corruption and dishonesty.
Bimal Kishore Shrivastwa, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of English at Degree Campus Tribhuvan University, Biratnagar, Nepal. An anthology of his poems is published from Litlight Publication, Pakistan. Other poems from Mr. Shrivastwa are published from the UK, USA, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. Besides teaching, Mr. Shrivastwa loves indulging in anything creative.