Poetry Drawer: Fabricated Reality by Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) 

Rejoice or dislike, detest or love the way this world works,
You can think whatever your internal soul says.
No matter even if the absolute reality is denied by everyone,
It will remain the same and doesn’t need fabricated support.

Agree or disagree, whatever you want to do,
Here, the arena is highly rooted in fabricated relative reality.
Fabricated reality supports fabricated epistemology,
And fabricated epistemology brings delusive humanity.

Fabrication dilutes the reality of changing absolute reality,
For what it strengthens its inner monarch—
To create an even more practical yet delusive understanding of the world.

Many dark souls are likely to be hidden within this fabricated world,
This world— where the golden sun emits the black rays.
But the world with absolute reality that we merely have time to dive in,
is unbound in our fabricated relative reality.

And this world, with fabricated realities,
May be shielded by the computer assimilation.
Or a dream of somebody else’s, from where we can never come out,
Because we might not actually exist.

Rajendra Ojha (Nayan) is a Nepalese poet, philosopher, social researcher, social worker, and EU-certified trainer. He also served as a citizen diplomat for three months under the ‘Ministry of Population and Environment’ in 2018 in Switzerland for the diplomatic program of the Minamata Convention, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland. Poems and philosophical writings of Rajendra Ojha have been published in various national as well as international literary journals from Nepal, the U.S.A., India, China, Russia, Spain, Myanmar, England, Greece, and Pakistan in both Nepalese and English. He has also published two anthologies, ‘Through the World’ (a collection of experimental poems) and ‘Words of Tiger’ (a collection of philosophical and psychological poems), in 2011 and 2019, respectively. Mr. Rajendra Ojha has been honoured by two major prestigious awards named ‘Asia’s Outstanding Internship Solution Provider Award 2020/21’ and ‘Dadasaheb Phalke Television Award 2023’ respectively for his work as a ‘Social Researcher’ as well as a ‘Social Worker’ (activities related to social responsibility), respectively in 2021 and 2023.

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