Morning Light
the terrors of the night
the worst imaginings
of what might happen
war, rumours of war
end of civilization
nuclear war
and other horrors
ripped from the headlines
fade away into nothingness
with the morning light
and the love of my wife
who is always by my side
I regain my sight
and begin
regaining my smile
and my life
until the next nightmares
consumes my dark imaginings
Dora the Intergalactic Explorer
Dora the intergalactic explorer
Is travelling to the strangest planet
of all the known worlds
she is traveling incognito
with a video crew
making a documentary
the planet earth
is known as a planet
of intelligent monkeys
not much is known
about them
as very few
have ever been there
the inhabitants are described
as blood thirsty insane creatures
ruled by hidden sexual and political passions
following incomprehensible
religious dogmas following Gods
that clearly do not exist
the inhabitants are just on the verge
of developing intergalactic travel
and the galactic empire
is worried that they will be driven
to try to conquer the rest of the universe
driven by their needs to impose
their religious dogma
everywhere in the world
the planet is divided into large tribal groups
governed by corrupt elites
corrupt businesses destroying the planet
in pursuit of profit
and the locals are little more
than wage slaves
barely making a living
addicted to alcohol, drugs gambling
pornography and illicit sex
and their main land
is ruled by a clearly delusional madman
intent on poking a fight
with all his alleged enemies
Dora assumed the appearance
of a character from TV
and will pose as a journalist
trying to make sense
of it all
but she was afraid
that she if found out
could face the worst consequence
her ship crash lands
and she is outside
the capital
of the non empire empire
called the United State of America
Dora gets her crew together
and walks into the city
staring at all the strange sights
as the monkeys go about
their daily activities
she stops at a restaurant
tries the coffee
the chief drug of choice
and is instantly addicted
wow no wonder
these people are crazed
she tries the local booze
and smiles
perhaps she could
become an intergalactic merchant
introducing the world
to the galaxy
her thought are interrupted
as a mad man armed
with weapons of war
bursts in and starts shooting
yelling at people
and she is shot dead
the authorities
are shocked
when they recover the body
and realize
that she is not a human
as she reverts other original
sort of a giant feline like creature
two legs and arms
and clearly from an advanced
civilization given her gear
what was she doing
no one knew
as all the aliens
died in the gun blaze
the world is shocked
at what had happened
and fearful that the aliens
were coming to invade
their world
the galactic senate
decides to contain
the humans
declaring them
a threat to the global civilization
and the humans vow
to discover the secrets
of interstellar travel
and travel to her land
to enter into business arrangements
and spread the one truth faith
to the heathen space aliens
thus ended Dora’s excellent adventure
in the crazed world at the edge
of known civilization
Mocking Faces Staring at Me
Mocking faces
hunting my dreams
Hundreds of faces
morphing into one
after another
Faces I knew
The dead
and the living
women I knew
friends I missed
enemies I did not
One after another
Marching in my room
Staring at me
I tried to run
They laughed
They said
that there’s nowhere
to escape my cosmic fate
My time is coming
prepare yourself
the grim reaper
has your name
and once he has your name
your fate is sealed
and you will soon
join us
whether in heaven
or hell
is not for us to say
be warned though
you will be judged
and no one can escape
their cosmic karmic fate
a wild man sits in a gilded cage
a wild man sits in a gilded cage
a cage made out of chains of his wife’s love
a cage made out of chains of his wife’s love
the wild man yearning to be free from his cage
the wild man yearning to be free from his cage
wondering how and why he was now tamed
wondering how and why he was now tamed
dreaming dark wild dreams of demented freedom
dreaming dark wild dreams of demented freedom
the wild man looks about his prison cage
the wild man looks about his prison cage
wondering whether he will ever be free
wondering whether he will ever be free
a wild man sits in a gilded cage
2019 The Last Year of America’s Greatness
2019 was the last year of America
when the proverbial chickens came home
when the proverbial chickens came home
to strut about the decaying landscape
to strut about the decaying landscape
as the world begins to burn and die
as the world begins to burn and die
led by the mad great leader and his merry men
led by the mad great leader and his merry men
the whole world lay in shock and awe
the whole world lay in shock and awe
at the destruction of the America they knew
at the destruction of the America they knew
when the proverbial chickens came home
John (“Jake”) Cosmos Aller is a novelist, poet, and former Foreign Service officer having served 27 years with the U.S. State Department serving in over ten countries including Korea, Thailand, India, Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Spain. He has travelled to over 50 countries, and 49 out of 50 states. He speaks Korean, Thai, Spanish and studied Chinese, Hindi and Arabic.