Weather Patterns
In a thunder storm,
the skies slowly darken.
Thunder explosions
fill the sound waves,
first from a distance
then closer and louder;
closer and louder.
Flashes of lightning
paint jagged danger signs
on the moving horizon.
There is a drying sun coming
if we can just be patient.
Anonymous Confidential
You permeate my heart
like infectious nuclear pheromones.
When you glisten from the sun,
my olfactory balance
overloads in knee bending compliance.
Your arduous tease glances
trigger kaleidoscope pulse sensations
that shiver shake nerve endings.
And as of this date,
I don’t even know your name.
A Climatic Courtesan
whose cumulus cerulean eyes
can scan simple calculated lies
like soaking rain swept skies
establish immediate sighs
allows the moment to crystallize.
Her breath like the pace of sunrise
arrives as a bold chromatic surprise.
Her kiss, a sweetened dew disguise,
holds my pursuit with no need for replies.
R. Gerry Fabian is a poet and novelist. He has published four books of his published poems, Parallels, Coming Out Of The Atlantic, Electronic Forecasts, and Ball On The Mound.
You can find more of Gerry’s work here on Ink Pantry.