The woman who claims to be my wife has a lost look
She’s holding a raw egg in her hand
Dr. Oz told me
I can lose seven pounds a week
by using Garcinia Cambogia Extract, she says
I have been away for many years
held as a P.O.W.
I don’t understand what she just said
I have no idea who Dr. Oz is
My only reference is:
The Wizard of…
In grief over my presumed death
this woman who claims to be my wife
began eating wildly
became morbidly obese
I still cannot believe she is who she says she is
I think that it is a trick
set up by my former captors
I cannot remember if they were Communists
Stalinists or Maoists
I don’t understand what any of that means
if I ever did
or why this woman sitting next to me on this couch
is stroking the blond hairs
of my arm
Inky Interview: Author Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois from Denver, Colorado
Flash In The Pantry: Serotonin Reuptake by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Flash In The Pantry: Mandela Warp: A Moment in History by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Flash In The Pantry: Cooking Shows by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Flash In The Pantry: Still Wet by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Poetry Drawer: Loch by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Poetry Drawer: Photogenic by Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois