Slowly Crept
Charity to the neighbour absurd
Wolf in Sheep’s clothing
Monks and Friars slowly crept
Bearing Palms and Harps of the Blackbird
Patrons of holy youth sleeping Bluebird
Women blessed symbols slept
Dragon Lilies robes we kept
Ink horns eyes of Lady-dove
Dumpy sort of a gait bone due trench
Two flashes of presumable ships rum from Maine
Gurgling noise shrewd suspicion pain
Day of reckoning Mono Publishing conservation bench
Best jumpers and racers wrench
Skin the goat an Ax to grind throbbing forehead vein
Loudly lamenting Galway Bay rain
Slightly disturbed in her sentry-box stench
Facial blemishes treasure
Effusion the redoubtable gravel
Dropping off into a restful measure
Silence all around we try to unravel
Manicure counterattraction female pleasure
Rum explodes piers and girders travel
White tipped New Guinea’s chip
Wispy quiver and dance trouble
Poniards Gibraltar bubble
Muensters Boston weather drip and dip
Ill-fated Irish Times petrified drip
Weathered a monsoon Daunte’s rock doubled
Rumpled stockings showing her stubble
Impetuosity isosceles triangle flip
Temperaments at the door in trio
Passionate about the Ten Shillings viol
Visit coincidences Kilaru Museum in Rio
Washed in the blood of the sun denial
Spaniards old Leo
Exception here and there trial
Enlightened men morbid mined shrug
Buys dear and sells cheap her money amplify
A slow puzzled skin-Berean Butterfly
Old Meldish squeamishness drug
Super human effort as she dug
Shrugged his shoulders to deny
Dizzy-Billy all-be-plastered high
Coffee in a cheap-eating-house mug
Sticker for solid copper Tumour
Tee total skipping rocks rube
Fa-r-reaching circumstantial rumour
Piano playing cell-mate in a cube
Not listening at a yarn humour
Blunt horn-handle tube
Terry Brinkman has been painting for over forty five years. Poems in Rue Scribe, Tiny Seed. Winamop, Snapdragon Journal, Poets Choice, Adelaide Magazine, Variant, the Writing Disorder, Ink Pantry, In Parentheses, Ariel Chat, New Ulster, Glove, and in Pamp-le-mousse, North Dakota Quarterly, Barzakh, Urban Arts, Wingless Dreamer, LKMNDS and Elavation.
You can find more of Terry’s work here on Ink Pantry.