Poetry Drawer: poem by Grant Guy


I want to tell the same story over and over
I want to tell the same story over and over again
tell the same story

over and over
over and over again


the same story


khlebnikov sing me a song
khlebnikov sing me a song
khlebnikov sing me a song



sing a me a song




there is somebody knocking on my door

who’s knocking on my door

there is somebody knocking on my door

look yoko ono is making a tuna sandwich


for Sterling Hayden

I don’t think
you have the foggiest notion of the contempt
I have had for myself

since the day I did that thing.

After he named names.

I know

It’s may not be the best poem you have read

Well, if I had named names

What might I have arisen to


the law
the law
the law
the law

the ass

Grant: After about 3/4 years absence I have returned to writing. Before the five years I had many poems and short stories published online and as hard copy. I have had six books published, only 4 I will talk about:  Open Fragments, Bus Stop Bus Stop (a collection of stories based on my experience of transcontinental bus travel), Blues For A Mustang (A collection of poems) and The Life And Lies Of Calamity Jane (a novella) do not reflect the previous work. 

Today’s poems are a very reductive. They reflect more of the micro theatre pieces I began during the time of COVID.  In the micro theatre pieces the object or the gesture was the event.  In today’s poems the words are the event. Each word and/or line can be connected as pieces of shards by the reader or each line and/or word can be seen and interpreted as is.

I attempt to reduce to the necessary words, but often I inject (my kind of) humour, with zags that bounce out of nowhere. 

Grant Guy is a Winnipeg, Canada, theatremaker and poet. He has 6 books published and his poems and satories have been published internationally online and as hard copy. He was the 2004 recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council’s Award of Distinction and the 2015 Winnipeg Arts Council’s Making A Difference Reward.

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