Poetry Drawer: detailed descriptions of spiders: volumes institute cloudburst singles: full service glue wisp: headphone spark plug: contracts display overabundance by Joshua Martin

detailed descriptions of spiders

touching imperils green
studies dart gun handles
pardons dusty tarts
skirmishes military carriage
dalliances dance penguins
atrophied encyclopedia
dogmatic banjo drink
a drunk in a kangaroo tank
less evil than a tooth fairy

volumes institute cloudburst singles

Now you KNOW televised plutonium
charts PATHS between GRAZING invisibility
little GUSTS of hiding a distorted rendering

          CircuS peeling mousetrap
          HOLEs where fingers SWELL
          softer & stiller than a YACHT

full service glue wisp

telephone hooks catfish mummy
popularized three stooges dinner party
games provoke pin cushions
pangs of ulcerated shovel digging

big BOWL of sugar CUBES
& frozen vehicular kidneys

          STRAINed against screen
      spenT     ON          sabbatical
framed w/in horseshoe wolfhound
barnacle sunsets regained

headphone spark plug

perversions lustrous as angel hair
pasted contracts flame kicking
outward model faculty embalmed
copied notepad legalized budget

     prioritized up & coming machete
     glow fish resigning commission

starting time warp haiku
membrane pontificates
provincial tunnel parade

          traffic poisons prisms
          readies atmosphere
          unknown utilities
          supersized leave taking

     milestone toasted grace crowd
     hedgehog placemat grinder

a lucite table leg
mannequin football roast
canned to hint w/o appeal

contracts display overabundance

stray hammers swallow lip sockets
timeline agenda grouping microfiche
air tube intestine vents spooling
traumatic integrated palsy graduation
beetle byline bypassing database
recorded sprig parsley a troll
interiorized sanitation spill pinball
machine chronic influenza
stressed boiled reduced mothball
basic fingernail back light hump
excessive melting renegotiated

Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is the author of the books Pointillistic Venetian Blinds (Alien Buddha Press, 2021) and Vagabond fragments of a hole (Schism Neuronics). He has had pieces previously published in Coven, Spontaneous Poetics, Ygdrasil, Expat, Selcouth Station. RASPUTIN, Train, Fugitives & Futurists, Otoliths, M58, Punk Noir Magazine, Ink Pantry, Beir Bua, and Scud among others. 

You can find more of Joshua’s work here on Ink Pantry.

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