Crew and the Blue Umbrella
Crossing out from the obstacles of life,
I return with the sea-lesson.
Here around the womb of grass
I hear the roar of mosses.
There is no sky over the locality
Only there is that left shadow.
There is sea roaring inside me,
Even though to the world,
the sun is mostly regarded as a small lamp.
The river is similar
As basic necessities.
The sky is not vast,
Only the blue umbrella!
The letter of the sea
Often I remember old crew Santiago,
While returning young Manoline,
Santiago got a big fish in the sea.
But failing to save the fish from shark,
returned home with it’s skeleton.
Again he was not fade up.
I haven’t been too old
Passing the half of life
Staying home reserving water
I have not yet seen the sea
I’m alive with the dream of a fish
Less water, less salt
Young Manoline will be back
Carrying the letter of the sea.
Princess lycho
Moving from Andaman Trank road
Seeing the sun being grey.
Breathing from the shadow of cloud
King Zyrak’s daughter Lycho felt pain.
Passing fifty years in a straw house,
Keeping the words alive,
At last princess Lycho lost in the deep virus sleep.
Keeping in mind that she will never rise
Sare words hide themselves
In the voice of Andamanian tiger
So that they never met with humans.
Now it’s kojagori full moon,
Sitting beside the sea, the tigers
Count the age of moon with Sare language.
Some butterfly comes
With jeru and pujukkor words.
Masudul Hoq (1968) has a PhD in Aesthetics under Professor Hayat Mamud at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a contemporary Bengali poet, short story writer, translator and researcher. His previous published work includes short stories Tamakbari (1999), poems Dhonimoy Palok (2000), Dhadhashil Chaya, translated version is Shadow of Illusion (2005) and Jonmandher Swapna, translated version is Blind Man’s Dream (2010), translated by Kelly J. Copeland. Masudul Hoq also translated T.S. Eliot’s poem, Four Quartets (2012), Allen Ginsburg’s poem, Howl (2018), from English to Bengali. In the late 1990’s for 3 years he worked under a research fellowship at The Bangla Academy. Bangla Academy has published his two research books. At present he is a Professor of Philosophy in a government college, Bangladesh.