Poetry Drawer: Close Enough by Laura Stamps

Me and Amelia. On our way
to the hospital. Visiting. We
are. A sick friend. But these
places. Geez! Whose idea
was this? Who? That hospitals
should be the size of small
cities? Tell me. I’d like to
know. Hey. At least they allow
support dogs. But still. All
these towering buildings. So,
so tall. All of them. All the
same. And now. Of course.
We’re lost. We are. Me and
Amelia. Driving around. Rats
in a maze. That’s us. Until,
until. We find the right one.
The building we want. And
a parking place. Alrighty!
I slip Amelia into her harness.
Attach her leash. And off
we go. Amelia in her pretty
little dress. Pink. Of course.
And me in my t-shirt. The
green one. The one that says:
“Emotional Support Person
for My Rescue Chihuahua.”
Close enough. Right? Yeah.
That’s what I’m thinking.

Laura Stamps is the author of over 50 novels and poetry collections. Most recently: “The Good Dog” (Prolific Pulse Press 2023) and “Addicted to Dog Magazines” (Impspired, 2023). Recipient of a Pulitzer Prize nomination and 7 Pushcart Prize nominations. Lover of feral cats and Chihuahuas.

You can find more of Laura’s work here on Ink Pantry.

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