I’ve picked up skills from unlikely sources
Some starker than others
The strongest lessons coming from those
With challenging circumstances
I’ve found it difficult to learn from anyone
That never had to face adversity
Didn’t have to hustle, at some point
To keep food on the table, or a roof overhead
Those that didn’t have to wonder if things would ever improve
I want those in the liminal spaces
That navigated the underground
That know how to see in the dark
And can find light in the most unlikely places
Those who speak the truth
And give voice to the silenced
Finding strength to keep moving forward
Even when hated by the the bandwagoning masses
Skaja Evens is a writer and artist living in Southeast Virginia. She edits It Takes All Kinds, a litzine published by Mōtus Audāx Press. She’s been published in Spillwords Press, The Dope Fiend Daily, The Rye Whiskey Review, and The Crossroads Lit Magazine.