A Tear on a Hamster’s Cheek
You can be the best:
You can get the girl,
You can make millions.
Learn like lovers learn:
Memorise this list then
Memorise that list then
Memorise the
Stars in the sky.
I will show you how to grow.
These are the exact seeds you need to sow.
Cling to the Chaos
Water makes mortar.
Mortar makes walls.
Walls make houses.
Houses make water.
Water makes mortar.
Tough Men
Sometimes people die and
Sometimes they do not.
Life is the strangest game I
Have ever played:
You get wet then
You dry yourself then
You get wet again but
Now the towel is wet so
You just stand there dripping on the floor.
Dominik Slusarczyk is an artist who makes everything from music to painting. He was educated at The University of Nottingham where he got a degree in biochemistry. He lives in Bristol, England. His poetry has been published in ‘Dream Noir’, ‘Home Planet News’, and ‘Scars Publications’. Twitter/Instagram