Inky Interview Exclusive: Rus Khomutoff, a Neo-Surrealist Poet From Brooklyn

You are a neo surrealist language poet from Brooklyn. Congratulations on your new poetry collection, Immaculate Days, published by Alien Buddha Press. Can you tell us about it?

About 3 years ago I had a personal trauma and Immaculate Days grew out of that situation. Those were dark days in my life and channelling my feeling into poetry was natural for me.

What is it you love about poetry? Have you considered writing a novel or a play?

My talent for poetry comes from my father who encouraged me to write in high school. I remember he gave me his typewriter and gave me his blessings. I wrote extensively in high school but it was never serious, at least I never took it seriously. There were others who encouraged me to pursue poetry.

Can you share some of your poems and the inspiration behind them?

I wanted to dedicate a poem to William Carlos Williams and this was the result:

Sonic threshold of the sacred

To William Carlos Williams

What waxes wanes
the enforced reincarnation hour
and green quartz veins
over the mind of pride
Nowhere you!
Everywhere the electric!
the golden one
living in a poetic world, devouring words
these are the thoughts that run rampant
love paves the way to our existence

I watched an action movie called Nemesis, and I really wanted to use that word in a poem:

Nemesis sky

A secret transmission
a noncoincidence found in
infinitization of otherness
the flame under the rubble
traversed unceasingly by the horizon
interdependence of a cosmic trigger
blossom quick synastry
sweet bitter officialdom
of the nemesis sky

This poem was built like an improvisation:


Underneath the arches of these generalities
the past, present and future
of the eternal menagerie
like a bouquet of fire through the lyric
guilty pleasures that enter while you exit
cyan deserve claim
bestow kiss merge rot
speculate dragonfly
linked deletions and much more

What themes keep cropping up in your writing? What do you care about?

I am all over the map when it comes to themes, the most important thing about my writing is that what I write excites me.

When I write, the most important thing is honesty, being able to accurately channel that nexus of feelings and emotions is key.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Poets in general should be more supportive of each other.

Who inspires you and why?

Synth music, disco….I am a keen observer. The sights and sounds of the city…..Lately I have adopted the philosophy of a radical acceptance. I am not a practicing Buddhist, however I relate to a lot of Buddhist concepts.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Being young you take a lot of blind chances. I have dealt with substance abuse and depression. I am hesitant to give any advice to anyone. All I can say is that you educate yourself and find yourself, because each person is a unique manifestation.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

No, not really…I think writing is a magical art and each individual finds their own footing in it.

What are you reading at the moment?

Last year I discovered two phenomenal poets-Ric Carfagna and Felino A. Soriano, they have really changed me as a writer. My writing was missing spice and I added some.

What is next for you? What plans have you got?

My friend Mark Sheeky from England has expressed a desire to collaborate with me on a project.

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