Books from the Pantry: In the Blood by R.L.Martinez: reviewed by Natalie Denny


Ottilde and Oriabel Dominax are identical twins with opposite personalities. Ottilde is a warrior trained, strong, brash, exiled from her country and imprisoned for killing her lover, Prince Chroy. Oriabel is gentle, caring, a gifted healer and much loved by the inhabitants of her home village of Corlaan.

As Ottilde, also known as prisoner 296, languishes in a jail miles from her twin, she is visited by a mysterious being who promises to help her escape. She learns that her beloved sister is in danger and will do anything to reach her. Due to Ottilde’s war criminal status, Oriabel is under the control of an overseer and royal envoy, Sir Kester Hugo, who along with his wife, only has ill intentions for the Dominax sisters.

Oriabel hides a dark secret behind her innocent eyes. She’s a witch and up until this point has only used her power for the good of her people. Corlaan is a superstitious and religious place with a history of bloodshed of those with magical abilities. Oriabel has no choice but to hide her mentor, Jacind the elderly witch, along with the truth about what she really is.

The arrival of Lord Hito Varon, sent by the King to relive Sir Hugo of his duties, turns Oriabel’s world upside down. He is handsome, noble and she responds to him in a way she has never to anyone before. Hito also has a secret of his own. He is an Onkai, a shapeshifter, the knowledge of which is only shared with his mother, Merin. As Hito and Oriabel’s relationship progresses they fall deeply in love with each other and also closer to danger.

We are drawn into a race against time as Ottilde desperately tries to reach Oriabel before the schemes of Sir Hugo reaches their evil conclusion.

The dialogue is quick and humorous, the themes dark despite the magical overtones. The relationships portrayed are complicated but believable. Some of the characterisation appears cliched in parts but R.L.Martinez is successful in creating an inviting portrait of an exciting but perilous new world

The sisters are at the heart of a tale of magic, deception, love, power and greed controlled by a force much bigger than them. The story combines witchcraft trails and superstition with other magical elements with many twists and turns to keep you engaged.

The characters of Oriabel and Ottilde compliment each other well, what one sister lacks the other possesses in abundance. It’s a winding tale of sisterly devotion and the ties of the blood.

If you’re looking for an accessible fantasy read, look no further.

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