Poetry Drawer: Rhapsody in Blue: The Wreckers: Vaquero by Phil Wood

Rhapsody in Blue She woke for dusting stuff,ducks and owls and robins,a joy of bric-a-brac.And later some chit-chat,pegging the washing linewith sensible semaphore. Once bravado flourisheda bucket list of gliders,balloons, parachute jumps,any harum-scarum thrills.The ornamental throngwas the end of all … Continue reading

Electroman: moral rectitude or top-down fascism & mindless violence in 8-parts by Evan Hay 

Electroman is alpha & omega: shocking old-school authenticity in a virtual ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ social media era of asternal semantics, communicated en masse, with intense feeling yet atrophied definition. Electroman’s legendary power represents veritas: the whole damned truth, & nothing … Continue reading