Poetry Drawer: I Feel Lightning in Your Wind: Poet In an Empty Bottle: April Winds: Down by the Bridge by Michael Lee Johnson

I Feel Lightning in Your Wind I feel light in a thunderstorm.I electrify your touch through my veins.I’m the greenery around your lifethat breathes your earth into your lungs.I challenge all your false decisions and doctrineswith the glory of my … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: Summer is Dying: Bowl of Black Petunias: Memories Past: Now That I Desire by Michael Lee Johnson

Summer is Dying Outside, summer is dying into fall,and blue daddy petunias sprout ears—hear the beginning of night chills.In their yellow window box,they cuddle up and fear death together.The balcony sliding dooris poorly insulated, and a cold draftcreeps into all … Continue reading

Poetry Drawer: I Age: Crypt in the Sky: Priscilla, Let’s Dance: Willow Tree Poem by Michael Lee Johnson

I Age Arthritis and aging make it hard,I walk gingerly, with a cane, and walkslow, bent forward, fear threats,falls, fear denouement-I turn pages, my family albumsbecome a task.But I can still bake and shake,sugar cookies, sweet potato,lemon meringue pies.Alone, most … Continue reading